četvrtak, 12. studenoga 2015.

twenty-fourth part

Mostar morning about 11 hours it was an ideal time to drink coffee in Fejićeva I see is with the company. Maybe you could be any party. I need to see what to do tonight. There's no money, and I no Alice. He thought MC Holender.
It was not long, there were two zgubidana who were looking for a victim who was going to pay for coffee. For this morning it was MC Holender. The story is set off from football, but that it was not interested, and his two friends cafe made this observation, the topic turned to some of his more interesting subjects.
-          Never in my life have I tried to catch fish.
-          Oh, that's easy. A little stick and good will and it is called fishing
-          What kind of fishing without bottles and grill.
-          Wait. I'm not talking about the trip than on fishing 
-          May be, but the real story is how to catch flies
-          At the beginning of May, hatching insects are held in the evening more regularly, are more numerous and reach their peak in June. Then, gradually becoming less frequent and ceased with the arrival of the first cold.
-          Does the hatching insects takes place every evening?
-          No! It all depends on the atmospheric conditions. Generally, the warm and calm day announcing a great hatch. Fine rain can also run izazak insects from the water at the beginning of the afternoon. Heavy downpour does not announce anything good. However, the biggest enemy of the evening fishing wind.
-          Should be especially prepared for an evening fishing?
-          Yes ... and this well before the critical moment! Select several flies and attach them to the vest. Shorten the rig and set slightly stronger top of the living.
-          Prepare also a flashlight and mosquito product.
-          Should I start hunting at first swarming?
-          No! Only when the beautiful pieces come out and feed. At first swarming usually react small fish. It should resist the temptation and not hunt them, otherwise you will alert nearby, much larger trout and grayling. Of course I'm talking about this on the condition that hunting on the river where there are such fish.
-          Do you hunt from the shore?
-          Yeah, whenever possible, when the coast is enough deforested to be able to cast correctly and when the opposite coastline can easily reach. Take your chosen location, comfortably set up and avoid further displacement and movement in the water!
-          Do you hunt every swarming?
-          No! Focus only on one and do not be distracted by the noise of other swarming around you. To select the right, remember that the big fish he had learned to feed discreetly and usually generate little swarming! If on the contrary, some trout consistently refused your fly, in that case it is better not to insist. Dedicate yourself to another swarming, and the first to go back and try your luck a little later.
The conversation flowed until late afternoon. As it can only in Mostar no end of the first order. The topic was something that was only one of the three was an expert, while the other two, this issue was a complete unknown. After several hours of sitting in a cafe and losing time so abruptly that they met so suddenly they parted. MC Holender at one point his acquaintances said that tonight there is work I went to the table with their work.
Few bothered him that his Alice does not occur. He sent her a message and wait for a response, but nothing. Several times he looked at the phone and nothing. He was worried because so far never Alisa did not forget to answer his call. I tried to ordinary phone but Alice's phone was unavailable. He wondered where she when her phone is not being received.   
After lunch he went to his room to rest, expect a busy night. They invited him to a party where he should play music.
-          It will probably last all night partying. I go to sleep, even though in the early morning hours well come pretty red bull.
He woke up about 19 hours. He knew he should go. Equipment and CDs are waiting for him where tonight a little work, a little fun.
-          can not occur. It is impossible that the whole Sarajevo no phone signal.
When he arrived at the party, occupied by things such as music, headphones, new girl just propupalih ......
The message on your cell phone for Alice
11.15 Morning to you
12.24 The coffee is ready, smells, and waits
14.43 What you do not answer
A message on the cell phone to Denisa
10:12 me strong and a little sugar. Pusica
12.21 penises, freckles, cats, Pusic
14.52 wished I te.puno
15.43 Why do not you answer
16.29 my little flower. What's up
17.33 We now delay
18.22 What we do not hear.
The message on your cell phone to MC unions
22.02 I'm good I'm listening. It's not the way it should be I have a lot to tell.                 
Smack as I can when I'll get back to you
The message on your cell phone for Edita
22.17 Beware of the lioness. When you get 48 hours I'll hug
Early morning about four o'clock Denis woke up I called Alice. Without a lot of stories dressed last night prepared things. Drowsy and still sleepy, but resolved to go to the tent to the early morning hours and arrival badger from the usual night life, were at the entrance of the burrow. Anticipation of young people at the entrance to the den was a long-awaited atmosphere. Portray a young badger.
A path through the forest, Alice is awake cold air began to talk.
-          Last night we arrived messages from MC unions.
-          Are you bragging. I have received seven messages from Edita
-          And who's the editor. When you receive a message
-          Edita my work colleague. The message I received when I went up to the attic, to wish you good night
-           I got the message. It looks like there's only reception. I tried to send a message. But he did not answer. Or was somewhere in the party or the phone is not with him or what is probably no credit.
When they reached the lair, actually in a tent, Denis binoculars watched the entrance to the burrow.
-          Too bad we arrived late badger came to the den.
-          So what happens now. How do you know.
-          I see from that. Do you have a sleeping bag I'll just be on duty, if by any chance the young badgers come out to play.
Denis had hoped that the young come out to play, but time as rain and youth have no outside.
He watched the environment. Cloudy weather, fog and early morning are very unfavorable for the photo. A little light and all have something grayscale. Of course the beginning of spring, there is little burgeoned although she felt that as soon as it took off.
-          It is not cold. The girl who sleeps rights. Look only. Pure immaculate, not even aware that she was in love. Clean face, no wrinkles, the hair properly cut. I'd like to meet this baby who shook his brain such djevojčurku. It would be nice that this kind of charlatan and jerk. I have a feeling that I might have a problem with me.
-          What time is it. How I slept
-          It is now exactly 10 and 15 Is that something important
-          Nah, just thought about how I slept. Have you made ​​a photo
-          Nope
-          How to
-          So should I have to wait. - The slight smile of an experienced photographer odgoovara Denis.
-          And how long I can wait like this
-          all day and if you need more
-          So do I have to
-          You do not. If you want to take a walk, but go a little further out and make sure you do not get lost. 
Alisa is half an hour out of the woods to a clearing with full view of the landscape. The roof of Bosnia, gathering medicinal plants is not overly caring for what is under the peak of Bosnia. She reached a small creek where long maintained. So long, I could not tell time. Miracle for child grew in the very fact that practically the stone out of water. And those same waters violently coming out and a little creek. Almost hypnotized, she watched as water skipping stones, which are an obstacle for the water that is left. Take its natural course would Coelho said. She remembered one story that is heard once the circle of literati still in high school when the late Zuko Dzumhur, hodoljubac, drowsy or drunk lying in the creek Prokoško lake with its bohemian society. At one point he said: - The waiter changed the place of rocks, kill me the same sound of water. I really did not hear anything more beautiful than the monotonous music overturning of water over rocks.     
She felt the hunger of walking through the woods, she could not determine how much to maintain. She was trying to see the sun and in his position to determine the time of day. She gave up, does not make sense, she saw it only on film. She came back with Denis in the tent to see if we could go to the professor, home. She did not know that the professor for his new friends prepared sandwiches.
-          What shall we eat
-          Sandwich with sausage
-          Was the rabbit
-          Yes, why do you ask
-          Oh, nako, to put the rabbit in the intestine
-          The old his recipe. I tried it yet in the war, I like spicy but this is such a recipe
-          How is it made

-          For sausage meat rabbits need to rabbit meat, a third of beef, a little fat, salt and spices at will. Finely grind the meat, twice. On kilogram mixture added tablespoon chopped onion and gnječenog and ground sweet or hot pepper and cumin to taste. Linear sheep small intestines in the usual way. This sausage, he sometimes smoked and dried or baked in a raw state as us now.

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