utorak, 17. studenoga 2015.

twenty-eighth part

Busy day, mountain air shot down Alice and Dennis into a deep sleep. They did not get to bed. They did not have time to get ready for bed, dressed as they sat on the couch and just a cup of tea was enough that without a lot of stories fall asleep. In all that speed after an exciting day, when two people recount what happened to them, as suddenly as they entered the room so suddenly I fell asleep halfway discussed in the dead of night, and planned to get up in the morning, an early and do the job that is related to early morning.
Denisov cellphone rang on rising, rather budjenje.Iznenadjeni, dreamy, misty views two friends looked at each other with that strange look in his eyes.
Did the two of us all night was on a couch.
This strange situation when time stood still lasted luckily only a moment, and then there was a big chasing. The bathroom was in the room they wanted to enter at the same time. Yet Denis refrained I let Alice enter first. The door of a side room where he was sleeping Professor Babic opened. At the door stood boss Demosthenes with a pitcher of tea on a tray and three cups prepared to take these two civilized strengthened.
Denis dresses by habit, and with half a brain thinks where his equipment and what he lacked yesterday, which would this morning could solve the problems of the day. Halfway dress approached the table at which his cup of tea and without a lot of the story blew the tea, as it cooled down and sipped her tea.
Alice is all the fuss about his rude awakening reduced to walking around the room in a circle from the bed to the door, door-to-bed. All as looking for something but not at the door is not what it should be, nor is it what they are looking at the bed. When she came into the living room, Professor Babic had prepared tea for all three. It seemed that he was najprisebniji And these early hours are closest to him. Before they started forcing them even to drink tea that is SPRAVILO for them. As sleepy, clumsy with sleep were his very likable and funny. 
-          Come sit, Badger will be waiting for you. Easy to drink a cup of tea. I'd like you to come to me again, ever.
-          Look again. Do we have enough of those already. Pour me to professors. Smells good, that makes you shock me, or I must cease to ask.
-          Hehehe
-          What are you laughing at life did not eat what you made ​​me. I have to admit that it was delicious. Ooooh, that's delicious on the matter.
-          Young spring shoots of fir containing resinous substances, essential oil and vitamin c. The professor used fresh young spring shoots beverage acting refreshing and invigorating when colds and flu fatigue. A good vitamin drink can be prepared from 100 grams of fresh young conifers. They need to pour hot water and leave court, cover two or three minutes to dissolve wax layer and remove resin. Then removed, poured over cold water and after two hours or strain. This drink is sweetened with honey to drink two or three cups a day, ten days in succession.
While they drank their cups of tea, the professor was preparing sandwiches. He actually, skillfully prepared again rabbit meat. Last night the baked thin bread that is cut in half. In each of the half put the three kebabs of rabbit, prepared last night. For this purpose chopped up the pieces of meat and hams back. Chopped onion, well peppered, and mixed with meat that is two to three hours. Garnirao chipping the wire and baked on the grill for about ten minutes with the anointing of white wine. Favorable properties of meat is that, despite abstinence, retains the softness and juiciness like the best steak.
He threw them a few juicy apple in a bag by Denis intended to throw in a backpack to take with you.
On the way to the tent Alice again began to talk. Shattering morning, breaking the drowsiness in my head, she began to talk a rambling story, but, in the spring mountain morning it becomes something that can be I think. At first, Denis was not listening, but slowly began to listen to what he says.
-          Brown Bear is a resident of our mountain areas. It is found in deciduous and coniferous forests, thickets, rocky and rugged canyons, all the way to the edge of the mountain pastures. What remains of human settlements, where he secured the highest possible peace. In late February and early March, bears can be occasionally emerge from their dens in the immediate surroundings. They are not capable of walking a while they do not strengthen young skin on your feet, you are changing during hibernation. In the early going out to eat freshly grown herbaceous plants, especially srijemuš, and some residual carcass of the dead animal. Man rarely attack, except in situations where the wounded or penned in a fix.
Alice was telling the story as if it were an exam before the professor.
-          Are you afraid of me
-          Nope. I'm just warning

-          Denis met medjede still at war, and you're somehow so thin and small that I would be sorry to have problems with the lord of the forest. If you run into them, just tell them you're my guest, will not be a problem.

dvadeset osmi dio

Naporan dan, planinski zrak oborili su Alisu I Denisa u duboki san. Nisu stigli do kreveta. Nisu stigli da se spreme za spavanje, onako obučeni sjeli su na kauč I samo šolja čaja je bila dovoljna da bez puno priče utonu u san. U svoj onoj brzini nakon uzbudljivog dana, kada dvoje ljudi prepričavaju šta im se desilo,  naglo kako su ušli u sobu tako su naglo I zaspali na pola razgovara u gluho doba noći, a planirali su ujutro ustati, poraniti I napraviti posao koji je vezan za rano jutro.
Denisov mobitel je zvonio na ustajanje, bolje reći budjenje.Iznenadjeni, sneni, maglovitog pogleda dva prijatelja su se pogledala sa onim čudnim pogledom u očima.
Zar smo nas dvoje svu noć bili na jednom kauču.
To čudno stanje kada je vrijeme stalo trajalo je srećom tek trenutak, a onda je nastala velika jurnjava. Toalet je bio prostorija u koju su željeli ući istovremeno. Ipak se Denis suzdržao I pustio da Alisa udje prva. Vrata od sporedne prostorije u kojoj je spavao profesor Babić su se otvorila. Na vratima je stajao gazda Demosten sa ibrikom čaja na tacni I tri šolje pripremljene da se ovo dvoje civilizovanih okrijepi.
Denis se oblači po navici, a sa pola mozga razmišlja gdje mu je oprema I šta mu je juče nedostajalo čime bi se ovo jutro mogao riješiti problema u toku dana. Na pola oblačenja prilazi stolu na kojem je njegova šolja čaja I bez puno priče puhne u čaj, kao da ga ohladi I srkne malo čaja.
Alisa je svu svoju frku oko jutarnjeg budjenja svela na hodanje po sobi u krug od kreveta do vrata, od vrata do kreveta. Sve kao nešto traži ali ni kod vrata nije ono što joj treba, a niti je ono što traži kod kreveta. Kada je sišla u dnevni boravak, profesor Babić je pripremio čaj, za sve troje. Izgledalo je da je on bio najprisebniji I ovi rani sati su mu bili najbliži. Prije nego su pošli primorao ih je makar da popiju čaj koji je spravio za njih. Onako pospani, nezgrapni od sna bili su mu jako simpatični I smiješni. 
-         Ajde sjedite, jazavac će vas sačekati. Polako popite po šolju čaja. Ja bih da vi meni opet dodjete, nekad.
-         Čuj, opet. Zar smo ti već dosadili. Sipaj mi to profesore. Lijepo miriše, čime ćeš me šokirati, ili te nesmijem pitati.
-         Hehehe
-         Što se smiješ u životu nisam jela ono što si mi ti pravio. Moram priznati da je bilo ukusno. Ooooo, ovo je ukusno o čemu se radi.
-         Mladi proljetni izdanci jele sadrže smolaste materije etersko ulje I vitamin c. Profesor koristi svježe mlade proljetne izdanke za pripremanje napitka koji djeluju osvježavajuće I okrepljujuće prilikom prehlade gripa I malaksalosti. Dobar vitaminski napitak može se pripremiti od 100 grama svježih mladih četinara. Treba ih preliti vrelom vodom I ostaviti I poklopljenom sudu dva tri minuta da se rastvori voštani sloj I odstrani smola. Zatim se izvade, preliju hladnom vodom I poslije dva sata procjede. Ovaj napitak se zasladi medom piju se po dvije do tri šolje dnevno, desetak dana uzastopno.
Dok su oni pili svoje šolje čaja, profesor je spremao sendviče. On je zapravo, vješto spremao opet meso kunića. Sinoć  je ispekao tanki kruh koji je prepolovio. U svaku od polovica stavio je po tri ražnjića od kunića, sinoć pripremljene. Za ovu namjenu isjekao je  na parčad meso butova i leđa. Isjeckani crni luk, dobro posolio, i pomiješao sa mesom da stoji dva do tri sata. Garnirao parčad na žice te pekao na roštilju desetak minuta uz mazanje bijelim vinom. Povoljno svojstvo mesa je da, uprkos posnosti, zadržava mekoću i sočnost slično najboljem bifteku.
Ubacio im je nekoliko sočnih jabuka u kesu koju je Denis namjeravao ubaciti u ruksak koji će ponijeti sa sobom.
Na putu prema šatoru Alisa je opet počela razgovor. Razbijajući jutro, razbijajući pospanost u svojoj glavi, počela je pričati jednu nesuvislu priču, ali, u proljetno planinsko jutro ona postane nešto o čemu se može I razmišljati. Ispočetka Denis je nije slušao, ali je polagano počeo slušati ono što govori.
-         Mrki medvjed je stanovnik naših planinskih predjela. Nalazimo ga u listopadnim I četinarskim šumama, šikarama, stjenovitim I krševitim kanjonima, sve do ivice planinskih pašnjaka. Što dalje od ljudskih naselja, tamo gdje mu je obezbijedjen najveći mogući mir. Krajem februara I početkom marta medvjedi se bude povremeno izlaze iz brloga u bližu okolinu. Nisu sposobni za duže šetnje dok im ne ojača mlada koža na tabanima, koju mijenjaju tokom zimskog sna. U prvim izlascima jedu tek iznikle zeljaste biljke, srijemuš naročito, I poneku zaostalu lešinu uginule životinje. Čovjeka rijetko napada, izuzev u situacijama kada je ranjen ili pritjeran u škripac.
Alisa je pričala priču kao da je na ispitu pred profesorom.
-         Jel ti to mene plašiš
-         Jok. Samo te upozoravam

-         Denis je upoznao medjede još u ratu, a ti si mi nekako tako krhka I mala da bi mi  bilo žao da imaš problema sa gospodarem šume. Ako naidješ na njih samo im reci da si moj gost, neće biti problema.

twenty-seventh part

-          You know, to be honest when it comes to love everything that I know is what I could read in books and novels. According to what I've read I made ​​some of my attitudes in the sense that say, Coward was not able to show love, it is a privilege of the brave said Mahatma Gandhi. Now you make me to tell you that there were a lot of those I said that I love them. But….
-          What but.
-          I'm not sure that this is love.
-          But 
-          Imitation of Life, trendy way of dealing between people. Again I'll say one intelligent thing I've heard, and it is that love is patient enough to endure the disadvantages that can not be cured. E such at me was not.
-          But
-          Oh, nothing, very quickly razdužiš what you indebted to a party and there almost.
-          Uh
-          Do not talk about me. Nicer to me to talk about you.
-          Hear, hear. What I'm more interesting than you.
-          How is the word love frequently and freely used to describe feelings and relationships, often lead to confusion with regard to its meaning. Today's second love usually determined as a romantic relationship with a person of the opposite sex. But love can be seen substantially wider, as the foundation of a sense of benevolence towards the other person as a concern for her health and well-being, and the desire for it is happening just fine. And you can refer to our parents, brothers and sisters, friends and all.
-          Hey, I'm with you I want to talk about the male female relationship in which you seem to have a great experience.
-          Love is the ideal and dream in this or that form of expression, every living person, because our souls are conceived by the Creator's love, and love is our destiny expression. We met and satisfied when we are able to love, and without it somehow emptied. Love becomes the meaning of our existence as they leave the womb of heaven. Although about love and its many expressions billion words written not one, not all together can not fully describe the essence of love. Maybe a little but I did not try it clear when we come to look Fromm and his "Art of Love" and you'll see what I mean.
-          to get back a little of what your out earlier that my image of a serious person have you ever thought it might be a mask, a shield that I may have something else
-          and I use it all the course that lies beneath the mask penises lioness her in Mostar not know
-          You know what I do when I go to bed the evening before bedtime
-          STA
-          read the message on the cell of the unions
-          had what to read
-          I read, I listen well
1st      Jos tomorrow counting day. Macak dragged me under kozu.postao'm addicted.
Second      Pusica. of addicts problem is that he needs the drug more and more
3rd      accept both if the center Zalik, so we'll see what the result. And this weekend, I will have a long trip. I may live to flash. pusica loved
4th      I was parked on the couch and laughing sebi.pravim the place for you. Macak this to me a long time did not happen.
5th      Tomcat are tired. Can coffee or you leaflets with me
6th      Wine, cheese svijece.jos just you and the atmosphere will be complete
7th      Tomcat but why suze.neko and povrijedio.pusica for my cute little freckles to rest. pusica macak
8th      Leo: this could be the day for pamcenje.naglasena is a need to be loved and to love. Virgo: Venus is on your strain.uskoro will feel the love.
9th      I love you. Do not worry
10th                        Is time to get up. Pusica macak did not get much sleep
11th                        When you and me snow for the first time this year
12th                        I'm freezing. I just stood up under the duvet to make coffee. He can at least this way, Pusic Pusic, I love you
13th                        I just probudio.sanjam to fix the car, hear me. And fix it. Look I
14th                        beauties I tarzan.ti the cuvaj.jako I wished. novokomponovana
15th                        and my lioness, penises as a food supplement
16th                        te.drago love me when you're in the mood
17th                        you need a scarf around his neck to keep you from vjetra.sal of my hand perhaps.
18th                        despite problems and commitments in life it's good to know that I have tebe.zazmiriti settle down and feel your breath, touch, smell
19th                        that, a bit of sun on his lips, severity Herzegovinian stone in his hands and Zehra neretve among breast
20th                        in two ate maslanicu.i now I do not feel glad.mozda tonight but I have strudlu.izgleda to popravljam.zdrava food is way to long life (Confucius)
21st                        do not sumnjas.ti you with me with a bag of vegetables in hand, the sun in his eyes, the Neretva between breasts
22nd                        good morning sun with istoka.mostar is in the west.
23rd                        that it is not women no point there muskarci.zar think that gays should gemstones.
24th                        sunny morning a little chilly in the sweater, coffee and you
25th                        kidding macak.ali to me this last odgovaralo.uvukao would be in your arms a little to be loved and then fell asleep hugging as bebica.pusica

26th                        Do you love me how

ponedjeljak, 16. studenoga 2015.

dvadeset sedmi dio

-         Znaš pravo da ti kažem kada je ljubav u pitanju sve ono što znam je ono što sam mogao pročitati iz knjiga I romana. Prema tome što sam pročitao napravio sam neke svoje stavove u smislu da recimo, Kukavica nije u stanju iskazati ljubav, to je povlastica hrabrih rekao je Mahatma Gandhi. Sad me tjeraš da ti pričam da je bilo puno onih kojima sam rekao da ih volim. Ali….
-         Šta ali.
-         Nisam baš bio siguran da je to ljubav.
-         Nego 
-         Imitacija života, trendovski načini ophodjenja medju ljudima. Opet ću ti reći jednu pametnu stvar koju sam čuo, a to je da je Ljubav dovoljno strpljiva da izdrži mane koje ne možemo izliječiti. E takvih kod mene nije bilo.
-         Nego
-         Ma ništa, vrlo brzo razdužiš ono što si zadužio na tamo nekom derneku I gotovo.
-         Uh
-         Nemoj da pričamo o meni. Ljepše mi je pričati o tebi.
-         Čuj, čuj. Što sam to ja interesantnija od tebe.
-         Kako se riječ ljubav često I slobodno koristi pri opisivanju osjećaja I odnosa, često dolazi do zabune u vezi s njezinim značenjem. Današnje drugo ljubav najčešće odredjuje kao romantičan odnos prema osobi suprotnog spola. No ljubav je moguće sagledati bitno šire, kao temelj osjećaj dobronamjernosti prema drugoj osobi kao brigu za njezino zdravlje I dobrobit, te želju za time da joj se dogadja samo dobro. A što se može odnositi na naše roditelje, braću I sestre, prijatelje I sve.
-         Hej ja sa tobom želim pričati o onom muško ženskom odnosu u kome ti izgleda imaš velikog iskustva.
-         Ljubav je ideal I san u ovakvim ili onakvom obliku izražavanja, svake žive osobe, jer su naše duše začete u stvoriteljevoj ljubavi, a u ljubavi je I naša sudbina izražavanja. Ispunjeni smo I zadovoljni kad smo u stanju ljubavi, a bez nje nekako ispražnjeni.  Ljubav postaje smislom našeg postojanja kad izidjemo iz nebeske maternice. Premda su o ljubavi I njezinim brojnim izrazima napisane milijarde riječi ni jedna, ni sve zajedno ne mogu posve opisati bit ljubavi. Možda ti malo nisam jasan ali probaj kad se vratimo potražiti Froma I njegovo “umijeće ljubavi” pa ćeš znati o čemu pričam.
-         da se vratim malo na ono tvoje od maloprije taj moj imidz ozbiljne osobe jesi li ikada pomislio da bi to mogla biti maska, stit da sam ja mozda nesto sasvim drugo
-         pa i ja to koristim naravno da se ispod maske krije njeznica lavica nju u mostaru neznaju
-         Znas sta radim navece kada legnem, prije spavanja
-         STA
-         citam poruke na mob od Holendera
-         imali se šta za pročitati
-         Čitam, ti slušaj dobro
1.     Jos sutra brojim dan. Macak uvukla si mi se pod kozu.postao sam ovisan.
2.     Pusica . kod narkomana je problem sto mu droga treba sve cesce I vise
3.     Prihvatam oboje ako je centar u zaliku, pa cemo vidjeti kakav je rezultat. A ovaj vikend cu imati dugi trip. mozda dozivim I flash. pusica voljena
4.     Ja sam se parkirao na kaucu I smijem se samom sebi.pravim mjesto za tebe. Macak ovo mi se dugo nije desilo.
5.     Macak jesi se umorila. Moze li kafa ili ces leci uz mene
6.     Vino, sir svijece.jos samo ti I ugodjaj ce biti potpun
7.     Macak ali zasto suze.neko te povrijedio.pusica za moju malu slatku pjegicu da se odmoris. pusica macak
8.     Lav:ovo bi mogao biti dan za pamcenje.naglasena je potreba da budete voljeni I da volite. Djevica: Venera je na vasoj strain.uskoro cete osjetiti ljubav.
9.     Volim te. Ne brini se
10.                       Jeli vrijeme za ustajanje. Pusica macak jesi se naspavala
11.                       Kod tebe I mene snijeg po prvi put ove godine
12.                       Smrzao sam se. upravo sam ustao ispod jorgana da napravim kafu. Mozeli makar ovako, pusica,pusica, volim te
13.                       Upravo sam se probudio.sanjam da popravljam auto,cuj ja. I popravi ga. Cuj ja
14.                       ljepotice ja sam tarzan.ti se cuvaj.jako sam te pozelio. novokomponovana
15.                       i moja lavica,njeznica kao dodatak jelu
16.                       volim te.drago mi je kada si raspolozena
17.                       tebi treba sal oko vrata da te cuva od vjetra.sal od mojih ruku mozda.
18.                       i pored problema i obaveza u zivotu lijepo je znati da imam tebe.zazmiriti smiriti se i osjetiti tvoj dah,dodir miris
19.                       da,malo sunca na usnama,zestine hercegovackog kamena u rukama i zehru neretve medju grudima
20.                       u dva sam jeo maslanicu.i sada ne osjecam glad.mozda veceras ali imam strudlu.izgleda da se popravljam.zdrava hrana je put u dug zivot(konfucije)
21.                       nemoj da sumnjas.ti si uz mene sa cekerom povrca u ruci,suncem u ocima,neretvom medju grudima
22.                       dobro jutro sunce sa istoka.mostar je na zapadu.
23.                       da nije zena nema svrhe da postoje muskarci.zar mislis da pederima treba drago kamenje.
24.                       suncano jutro malo prohladno u dzemperu,kafa i ti
25.                       salim se macak.ali bi mi ovo zadnje odgovaralo.uvukao bih se u tvoj zagrljaj malo bi se ljubio a onda zagrljen zaspao kao bebica.pusica

26.                       Voliš li me kako

twenty-seventh part

Denis and Alice arrived too late to Demosthenes chalets. Professor invited them to dinner. Although for them until this weekend unknown meat, rabbit this weekend dominated. Professor, we welcome the two people in love. Each with his love. However, along the wilderness or nature, but with a strong sense of belonging to someone else. Watching them with enthusiasm breathe air, eat snacks from the plate, it is, defending their positions ... .. He wanted to come back and he was among the people. Maybe he was lucky this time. He liked to receive compliments, and they put again this evening rabbits, rabbit on pepper. He immediately started with the recipe, to be saved.
-          It should be a rabbit, a little butter, bacon, onion, cup sour cream, two tablespoons flour two or three peeled tomatoes, cayenne pepper and salt. Buttered I propržio bacon and chopped onion. Added pieces of meat a little water and stewed to soften well. Fifteen minutes before the end I poured the flour, paprika, salt and diced tomatoes, and when it boils added cream. As a side dish I made ​​macaroni, boiled potatoes with butter and parsley and rice in a mild curry sauce.
-          You spoil us professors. Congratulations pleasantly surprised me.
The professor had fun cleaning up the table and work in the kitchen after lunch. And now ...... two friends spend talking about love and their experiences and friends that were left behind. Comfortable reclining on couches. Covered with wool blankets, conversation flowed well into the night.
-          laugh, I'm a dinosaur when you are caught listening to new music jesili Kolektiv
-          honestly I did, but like the kind of music people around me
-          are good Nesluša them either but I know them and I know that last summer had a concert in Novi Sad and at the very end of the concert in front of several thousand Serbs have released video footage from Srebrenica in the hall say that was the silence of those who were attacked by those who have them to approve the only thing they knew they would not have dinner and it was so fast they packed up and out of the new cao now. Super boys
-          really cool guys are good for them
-          however I know the drummer he works on radio Zenica and is a nice guy just part of them from Sarajevo chasing an alternative to actually for me it is an alternative but to me this drummer says that they are far from that they are a normal music in the west looks that they did work. I just do not get along well with the People. It's something you listen to mp3
-          I love you, love you all, because you're born for me, wait for me to try to find something that fits you, can
-          applies not that be terrible gees are with me when a man needs a woman. hoćemoli to play tonight
-          how
-          lyricist. a lot of us is that we write a novel
-          I
-          No I. You write I write. After we read the written and comment
-          Them
-          Are you scared. In this way, we will truncate the night. This is better than watching TV
-          Well, there's no TV
-          I know this because you and I speak
-          How did it start
-          Easy. Stop talking, slowly closed his eyes, look for the subject in his head and let the rush of emotions. The lyrics are there.
-          I knew one woman as little more closely confided in me all their secrets longing thoughts of joy and sorrow had something really nice life only sacrifice was accompanied by a whole life and say no vjeujemo in miracles and it just happened a miracle she thought Life for her long ago passed the days go by she watched her life through the window. one day meet the man the man who was to her as a person who could tell all the sadness and pain for more than he had slowly his story is his soul honesty tips turned in a normal person its problems it no longer seemed insurmountable or so heavy she was glad each time got to meet neither one nor the other did not know which way to go they went through that leads to something more beautiful path that leads Happiness beauty of life realized that one day they go together through happiness ........ and will arrive ........ it will tell you another time because I have not seen since then
-          uh you're my dangerous. You do it. Stop. I stopped at the first verse actually the chorus. And you told the story. Finish my story. Translate in verse and you're done
-          that it is your verse, as you call it, the chorus
-          A lot of my empty bed.
-          What's with the verse
-          It bothers me even more than his youth until today. Do not even know what it means, but I think that is significant. I wanted to cheat and recite some verses of Baudelaire or perhaps Aleksa Santic, but you gain the upper hand. Girls like you too full of emotion. Who's the good guy. In human relations sometimes forget that true love gives freely and without any expectations and obligations. Love is our personal green light. Love is real. Love is gentle, yet one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. Let love and bring patience in every situation. Are you in love?
-          Ehhhhh
-          Love is unutrarnja feature that sees well everywhere and in everyone. Insists that all is well and refuses to see anything except good, and usually achieves that these qualities appear before the most prominent in themselves and in drugm things. Love without regard to disability, was conceived any other. Love feel mighty force that brings harmony in life.
-          hejjj tell me that when a professor of love. Tell me about yourself. You give me advice, and you're single.
-          You're right, but there was a war.
-          Will you be my whole life not remove the fact that there was a war and therefore have nothing in life is not in place. Actually live the way it suits you. You're selfish. 
Messages for Alice
I love you to the skies and more ....
cao ljepotice.negledam per hour all would like to invite you to kafu.kako.
Messages for MC unions
I know, I love you
Have a nice day beads, take care
Message for Edita
Tonight is the night when the grant wishes
and that you come in addition to the homes ogrijati.pozelio I
good morning to my Edita. did not get much sleep and rested, drank kafu.pusica in neck
I volim.pozelio te.ugrizao I'd have a little and then loved
Message to Denisa
PUSIC as well jutro.nedostajes we
my hands are restless

I knew one woman as little more closely
confided in me all your secrets, longings, thoughts,
joy and sorrow
She did not have that good a nice life, just sacrifice
was accompanied by a whole life, and say they do not believe in miracles
and it happened a miracle
she thought that life for her long over
the days go by it
she watched her life through the window
and ..............
one day meet the man
A man who was to her as
the person to whom she could tell everything
And the sorrow and pain, because more than he had
slowly his story, his soul
honesty and tips, turning into a normal person
her problems to her, no longer seemed unsolvable
nor so heavy.
They did not know which way to go, the path that leads to something nicer
a path that leads to happiness
The beauty of living
they realized that one day
to go together ........
through luck
and will arrive ........