subota, 31. listopada 2015.

VID 20151031 112412

VID 20151031 111916

VID 20151031 111711

VID 20151031 111529

VID 20151031 111427

VID 20151031 111315

seventeenth part

The conversation got a friendly tone, as can only be talks in the bar at the bar. Alice calmed down, almost to her was pleased to chat with these strangers. They do not even know, but she talked about quite ordinary things, that interested her and them. The waitress was slightly rules coffee for coffee, an order for the order but the conversation with these two people of interest. Seems to be particularly interested, Denis. It is not expected that this would happen, but right can be planned destiny. May not. Practically the question and gave an answer. Denis, was the most experienced in the tavern looks talks without a goal and end. He thought, if Kimbo does not come in fifteen minutes I will have to leave his real plan and to address this waitress. They did not even notice how the cafe fillers guests. As their conversation level crossing tavern gossip, they found a common theme. Coffee.
-          I know for espresso and the right one Bosnian, next to it there's coffee with ćulafom, when a small coffee pots add another half a teaspoon of coffee the way through the cream, when coffee sneezes, and that's it.
-          I do not know what you're talking about what else can be said about coffee, I saw on the satellite to the German drinking coffee from a large mug, but I do not know what it is.
-          It is a filter coffee, which is made ​​in such a way that the hot water overflow over coffee, which after passing through the vessel under that coffee. Apparently those who fol ok coffee. But the whole world has it seems to me so much as a nation and recipes to make coffee. I say, sometimes I like to save the Irish coffee. For her I need one cup of very strong coffee, 2 tablespoons sugar, cup Irish whiskey and cream spoon. In the cup to put the sugar and dissolved so that pouring some hot coffee, then add the rest of the whiskey still hot coffee and abundant spoon of liquid cream. As another variant can I put the spoon firmly whipped vrhhnja, careful not mixed with coffee. So that coffee drinking over cream.
-          I like to drink Turkish coffee, she is now called the Bosnian domestic or coffee. But what I have a recipe for Turkish coffee with honey. The coffee pot is poured a cup of hot water, 2 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons sesame seeds and cook over low heat. Add 6 tablespoons of finely ground coffee blend well and serve in small cups. However, what I was oriental in coffee have a recipe that called oriental coffee. For him I have special containers and special dill. I make it in the summer and then only when I have time. In the bowl of terracotta put two pieces of cinnamon, 2 cloves, 2 pieces of pimento. Add two cups of very hot coffee. Cover and wait one hour. Strain and pour it into large glasses in which I put ice cubes. Before serving, add the cream and sugar.
-          My God that you never met and made ​​a mess with the cups would not know much about coffee.
-          Oh, so you are prepared to the right to the enjoyment. Us older bothers coffee because of prejudice. Misconceptions related to coffee that increases blood pressure. This is only partially true. The pressure will slightly increase immediately after the coffee, but the effect will be short-lived. After that, the value of blood pressure drop more than initially increased, so that it can say that coffee lowers blood pressure. All in all, really, if you drink one or two of coffee a day, you should not even think about it. Relax and enjoy!
-          However, it should be avoided to drink in the evening, because it can lead to insomnia. Coffee stimulates brain activity and can happen even if you have to get up early tomorrow, just something does not go to sleep. Excessive coffee is not good. The most common problems are due to insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, stomach pain.
-          I recently with coffee heard the strangest story.
-          What?
-          I heard it from a friend. The secret which was kept for several years. It was not much of a pupil at the school. She had to leave school because with the five units had to finish school as a part-time pupil in the winter when they deposited much older than she.
-          Hejj, what's wrong and what's amazing story over coffee.
-          Wait. All those who were with her ​​the tests in school, they did it because they needed qualifications. This was mainly former and future officers. Since she was in a car in the graduate school exam had a professional subject. But, as in the meantime found a job she sent her mother to check when the term for taking the graduation exam. Mother reports from school, coming, the exam is in an hour. And she responds, I can not lose my job. The mother stays at school sits in a classroom and take the exam for a daughter. Members of the Commission are a bit odd looking, was unknown to them, but she ended by the end of the exam.
-          He, he. Iiiiii 
-          Oral part of the exam course was put to my colleague, I passed. All congratulated her. In addition to the mother that she is fucked all the pile.
-          What's so strange and unbelievable

-          Hear what. My not know even what I study, and not be replaced on the exam and where is this world.

petak, 30. listopada 2015.

sedamnaesti dio

Razgovor je dobio ugodne prijateljske tonove, kakvi mogu samo biti razgovori u kafani na šanku. Alisa se smirila, gotovo da joj je godilo čavrljati sa ovim nepoznatim ljudima. Nije ih ni poznavala, ali je pričala o sasvim običnim stvarima, koje su interesovale nju I njih. Konobarica je lagano pravila kafu za kafom, porudžbinu za porudžbinom ali je razgovor sa ovo dvoje ljudi interesova. Izgleda da je posebno interesovao, Denis. Nije očekivala da će se tako desiti, ali zar se može planirati sudbina. Nemože. Praktično je na pitanje dala I odgovor. Denis, je bio izgleda najiskusniji u kafanskim razgovorima bez cilja I kraja. Mislio je, ako Kimbo ne dodje za petnaest minuta ja ću morati napustiti svoj pravi plan I pozabaviti se ovom konobaricom. Nisu ni primjetili kako se kafana punila gostima. Kako je njihov razgovor prelazio nivo kafanskog naklapanja, našli su zajedničku temu. Kafa.
-         Ja znam za espreso kafu I onu pravu bosansku, pored nje ima još kafa sa ćulafom, kada u malu džezvicu dodam još pola kašikice kafe onako preko kajmaka, kad kafa kihne, I to je to.
-         Neznam o čemu vi pričate šta se još može reći o kafi, vidjela sam na satelitu da u njemačkoj piju kafu iz velikih šolja ali neznam šta je to.
-         U pitanju je filter kafa koja se sprema na način da vrela voda preljeva preko kafe, kroz koju kad prodje u posudi ispod toga je kafa. Navodno je ko fol to ok kafa. Ali, na cijelom svijetu ima čini mi se koliko nacija toliko I recepata kako napraviti kafu. Ja recimo ponekad volim spremiti irsku kafu. Za nju mi je potrebna jedna šolja vrlo jake kafe, 2 kašike šečera, čašica irskog viskija I kašika vrhnja. U čašu se stavi šećer I rastopi se tako da prelijete s malo vruće kafe, zatim dodajte viski ostatak još vruće kafe I obilnu kašiku tekućeg slatkog vrhnja. Kao još jednu varijantu možete staviti I kašiku čvrsto tučenog slatkog vrhhnja, pazeći da se ne pomiješa sa kafom. Pa da kafu pijete preko vrhnja.
-         Ja volim popiti tursku kafu, kako je danas zovu bosansku ili domaću kafu. Ali ono što ja imam kao recept za tursku kafu je sa medom. U džezvu se sipa šolja vruće vode, 2 kašike meda I 2 kašike sjemenki susama te kuhati na laganoj vatri. Dodati 6 kašika sitno mljevene kafe dobro pomiješati I poslužiti u malim šoljicama. Ipak, ono što mi je orijentalno u kafi imam u receptu koji nazivam orijentalna kafa. Za njega imam I posebne posude I posebne mirodjije. Pravim ga u ljeto I to samo kada imam dosta vremena. U posudu od terakote stavim dva komadića cimeta, 2 klinčiča, 2 komadića pimenta. Dodam dvije  šolje jako vruće kafe. Poklopim i sačekam sat vremena. Procijedim I ulijem u velike čaše u koje sam stavila kocke leda. Prije posluživanja dodaju se slatko vrhnje I šećer.
-         Bože dragi da vas nisam upoznala I napravila zbrku sa šoljicama ne bi znala ovoliko o kafi.
-         O, pa ti si to pripremila pravo sa uživanjem. Nama starijima smeta kafa zbog predrasuda.  Zabluda vezana za kafu je da povišava krvni pritisak. Ovo je samo delimično tačno. Pritisak će nešto porasti odmah poslije kafe, ali će taj efekat biti kratkotrajan. Poslije toga će vrijednost krvnog pritiska opasti više nego što je prvobitno porasla, tako da se može reći i da kafa snižava krvni pritisak. Sve u svemu, zaista, ako pijete jednu do dvije kafe dnevno, ne treba uopšte razmišljati o tome. Opustite se i uživajte!
-         Ipak, ipak, treba je izbjegavati piti uveče, jer može da dovede do nesanice. Kafa stimuliše aktivnost mozga, pa može da se desi iako morate sutra rano da ustanete, baš nešto ne ide na spavanje. Pretjerivanje sa kafom nije dobro. Najčešći problemi koji se javljaju su nesanica, uznemirenost, lupanje srca, bol u želucu.
-         Nedavno sam uz kafu čula najnevjerovatniju priču.
-         Kakvu!
-         Čula sam je od prijateljice. Tajnu koju je čuvala nekoliko godina. Ona nije bila baš neki djak u školi. Morala je prekinuti školovanje jer je zbog pet jedinica morala završiti školu kao vanredan djak u zimskom periodu kada su polagali mnogo stariji od nje.
-         Hejj, šta tu ne valja I šta ti je nevjerovatna priča uz kafu.
-         Čekaj. Svi oni koji su sa njom polagali ispite u školi, su to radili zato što im je trebala kvalifikacija.  Najčešće su to bili bivši I budući policajci. Pošto je išla u saobraćajnu školu na diplomskom ispitu imala je stručni predmet. Ali, kako je u medjuvremenu našla posao poslala je svoju majku da provjeri kada je termin za polaganje diplomskog ispita. Mati javlja iz škole, Dolazi, ispit je za sat vremena. A ona odgovara, nemogu, izgubiću posao. Mati ostaje u školi sjeda u školsku klupu I polaže ispit za kćerku. Članovi komisije su je malo čudno gledali, bila im je nepoznata, ali ona je do kraja završila sa ispitom.
-         He, he. Iiiiii 
-         Usmeni dio ispita naravno polagala je moja kolegica I položila. Svi su joj čestitali. Osim matere koja joj je jebala sve na kamaru.
-         Šta je tu čudno I nevjerovatno

-         Čuj šta. Moji neznaju ni šta studiram, a ne da me zamijene na ispitu pa gdje ide ovaj svijet.

četvrtak, 29. listopada 2015.

sixteenth part

The door was opened forcefully. Without fever and noise, but you could tell that it was someone who was very angry and energetic. Came into the room fresh air. Djevojčurak who approached the bar noticed that Denis and waitress watching the half-open mouth. They were waiting for her to respond first. As casually dressed, secretive she was not someone who will politely answer. She dropped her bag on the floor beside him, punched bag, threw a jacket on a nearby chair and stood in front of the bar. Was she a little too big. Only the head and neck slightly protruded above the bar. The waitress is mechanically down another cup of coffee before Dennis, but this just took a small cup, tore a bag of sugar and with a few energetic movements teaspoon per cup finished with mixing and tried to drink coffee.
-          This is hot. Ma'am, you want me sear.
-          No, ma'am, but you took the coffee from the gentleman sitting next to you.
-          No, not a problem. I see that she needed coffee. I hope that after you drink coffee and tell us why it is such a moody, young and beautiful.
-          How could I not be. My day began as any so far. I missed the trip. The bus on which I was trying to get colleagues in Sarajevo I arrived in Donji Vakuf there I entered the cell pub and was literally attacked by some drunks. When I rushed to the bus did not notice that I got in the wrong and instead of Sarajevo I go back to Mostar from which I started. Now I'm here I do not know really where I am. How do I get to Sarajevo, to find his backpack from the bus. Oh, I tell you, just better that I did not even wake up this morning.
-          What happened to you often, passengers, not even the first, and as the bus schedule the same, unchanged, will not be the last traveler who is due to chance missed his bus, that is to sit in the wrong bus.
-          E. it will console me. I'm not the only one duped. Tell me please, where the tourist office of the city to sign the guestbook.
As silent and angry quickly drank his first cup. She felt a pleasant sensation that spread throughout the body directly from the stomach. Slowly returning to normal. Sorting out the thoughts and feelings. Now what to do. Where to find this. What to do next.
Slowly, she looked around the pub and saw that this time was lucky, quite a pleasant place to sit. I noticed that the two next to it seemed to be long even know they smiled to each other.  
-          Please give me another coffee And excuse my behavior when entering. I really miss out day today, but I just bolstered this coffee. What this use where you are acquiring. I really like coffee.
-          From a local roasters. The boss of our own grinding coffee for espresso coffee. Although I was afraid that it will change the taste of coffee. We're cleaning up the camera so that the first coffee, but that's lucky is no problem. Here's a new cup of coffee.
-          The market price of pound of coffee is about two dollars. A few grains of coffee mixed with hot water cost less than a cent. Brew made ​​from grains Nescaffea approaching the price of 10 cents, ...... and McDonald's will for the beverage consumer charge about a dollar, while the pleasure of consuming just one cup of coffee at Starbucks customer have to pay five dollars. But the big difference in price does not diminish the success of Starbucks as millions of consumers are willing to pay the price of the experience.
-          What are you talking about
-          What Starbucks sales? Coffee is average quality, and often will I have to find a buyer and clean place at a table in a crowded coffee shop. But the experience of drinking coffee at Starbucks is quite relaxing. Perhaps the price worth paying if ensures avoiding stressful shopping situations. Experiential marketing definitely does not seem a good service. The fact that almost 60 percent of the purchase unplanned encourages retailers to direct consumers to actively participate that will give them a new experience, but also to get them to buy.
-          I repeat, what are you talking about
-          I'm talking about business and my intention is to shock the story I stop being angry and resigned to us. Let me talk to you. What's your sign. Let me read what the stars say for today.
-          Hold your horoscope. Do not believe in it. Cancer. What does it say
The daily newspapers are standing on the bar Denis is on the back pages looked horoscope. He did not believe it, but it is something like that always worked. It seems that women, when I say that the fate of unbelievers, they would like to look and where they do not believe. It reminded him of an episode of "Survivor," which is a little like watching. How are somewhere in Africa, in the desert, hunting monkeys. They put a lump of salt in the hole to crawl into his hand. When lookups nugget I made a fist monkeys can not draw any hand or what they took, and they want to see what it is .. E so I women behave. I instinctively followed the man when he throws the bait, whatever bait was, gave a pearl or a lump of salt, they want to seize for themselves. Often Denis used horoscopes to learn. One of his methods, which is always and everywhere among women had passage. Few read what is written by a journalist on duty in sections add a little And there you detecting a character who is in front of you. The story of their fears, hopes and desires.
-          Today is a great day for a picnic. Beware the attack of wild animals under the Health, says there could be problems with headaches and stomach problems because consume lighter food. Tips, sports clothes on nature and direction.
-          And what are you in the horoscope
-          Who and in life, ass
-          Deeeee
-          Well, virgin
-          What you said
-          Today is an excellent day to meet with a scorpion
-          You break. It does not say that.
Did not check, but she liked the story. The waitress behind the counter just watched this little dialogue.     

sesnaesti dio

Vrata su se snažno otvorila. Bez treska I buke, ali vidjelo se da je u pitanju neko ko je vrlo ljut I energičan. U prostoriju je ušao svjež zrak. Djevojčurak koji je prilazio šanku nije primjetio da je Denis I konobarica gledaju poluotvorenih usta. Čekali su da ona prva reaguje. Onako nehajno obučena, čutljiva nije baš bila neko ko će im se uljudno javiti. Spustila je torbu na pod pored sebe, torba je tresnula, bacila jaknu na najbližu stolicu I stala pred šank. Bio joj je malo prevelik. Tek glava I malo vrata virili su iznad šanka. Konobarica je mahinalno spuštala drugu kafu pred Denisa, ali je ova mala jednostavno uzela šoljicu, pocijepala kesicu za šećer I sa nekoliko energičnih pokreta kašikicom po šoljici završila sa miješanjem I pokušala popiti kafu.
-         Ovo je vruće. Gospodjo vi me hoćete opržiti.
-         Ne, gospodjice, ali vi ste uzeli kafu od gospodina koji sjedi pored vas.
-         Neka, nije problem. Vidim da joj je potrebna kafa. Nadam se da će poslije popijene kafe I reći nam zašto je ovako neraspoložena, mlada I lijepa.
-         Kako ne bih bila. Dan mi je počeo kao nijedan do sada. Zakasnila sam na ekskurziju. U autobus kojim sam pokušala stići kolege u Sarajevu stigla sam u Donji Vakuf I tamo ušla u staničnu kafanu I bila bukvalno napadnuta  od nekih pijandura. Kada sam požurila na autobus nisam primjetila da sam ušla u pogrešan I umjesto u Sarajevo ja krenem ponovo u Mostar iz kog sam krenula. Sada sam ovdje I neznam zapravo ni gdje sam. Kako ću doći do Sarajeva, kako pronaći svoj ruksak iz autobusa. Ma što vam govorim, jednostavno bolje da se nisam jutros ni probudila.
-         To što se vama dogodilo često se dešava putnicima, niste niti prvi, a kako je raspored autobusa isti, nepromijenjen, nećete biti I zadnji putnik koji je zbog slučajnosti propustio svoj autobus, to jest koji će sjesti u pogrešan autobus.
-         E. to će me utješiti. Nisam jedina nasamarena. Još mi recite gdje je turistički ured grada da se upišem u knjigu utisaka.
Onako šutljiva I ljuta brzo je popila svoju prvu šoljicu. Osjetila je ugodan osjećaj koji se razlijeva po tijelu direktno iz želuca. Lagano se vraćala u normalu. Sredjivala je misli I osjećaje. Šta sada da uradi. Gdje se ovo nalazim. Kako dalje.
Lagano je pogledala po kafani I vidjela da je ovaj put imala sreće, sasvim jedno ugodno mjesto za sjedenje. Primjetila je da ovo dvoje pored nje kao da se dugo poznaju čak se osmjehuju jedno drugom.  
-         Molim te, daj mi još jednu kafu I oprostite na mom ponašanju pri ulasku. Zaista sam danas profulala dan, ali me ova kafa baš okrijepila. Kakvu ovo koristite gdje je nabavljate. Ja jako volim kafu.
-         Iz jedne lokalne pržionice. Gazda samo za nas melje kafu za espreso aparat. Mada sam se bojala da će kafa promijeniti okus. Čistili smo aparat pa su ovo prve kafe, ali eto posrećilo se nema problema. Izvolite novu šoljicu kafe.
-         Tržišna cijena kilograma kafe iznosi približno dva dolara. Nekoliko zrnaca kafe pomiješanih s toplom vodom stoje manje od centa. Napitak pripremljen od zrnaca Nescaffea približava se cijeni od 10 centi, ...... a McDonald's će za taj napitak potrošaču naplatiti oko dolar, dok će za užitak konzumiranja samo jedne šalice kafe u Starbucksu kupac morati izdvojiti čak pet dolara. No tolika razlika u cijeni ne umanjuje Starbucksov uspjeh jer su milijuni potrošača voljni platiti cijenu doživljaja.
-         O čemu ti to pričaš
-         Što to Starbucks prodaje? Kafa je prosječne kvalitete, a često će kupac sam morati pronaći i očistiti mjesto za stolom u prepunom coffee shopu. Ali iskustvo ispijanja kave u Starbucksu je prilično opuštajuće. Možda je cijena vrijedna plaćanja ako osigurava izbjegavanje stresnih kupovnih situacija. Iskustveni marketing definitivno se ne čini samo dobra usluga. Podatak da je gotovo 60 posto kupnji neplanirano potiče maloprodavače da usmjere potrošače na aktivno sudjelovanje koje će im pružiti novo iskustvo, ali i navesti ih na kupnju.
-         Ponavljam ti,  o čemu ti to pričaš
-         Pričam o biznisu I namjera mi je da te kroz priču šokiram I prestaneš biti ljuta I rezignirana prema nama. Dozvoli da razgovaramo sa tobom . Šta si u horoskopu. Da ti pročitamo šta kažu zvijezde za danas.
-         Ma kakav horoskop. Nevjerujem u to. Škorpija. Šta piše
U dnevnim novinama koje su stajale na šanku Denis je na zadnjim stranama potražio horoskop. Nije u to vjerovao, ali je takvo nešto uvijek palilo. Izgleda da žene I kada kažu da nevjeruju  u sudbinu, voljele bi zaviriti I tamo gdje ne vjeruju. To ga je podsjetilo na jednu epizodu “Opstanka” koje je kao mali volio gledati. Kako su negdje u Africi, u pustinji, lovili majmune. Stave im grumen soli u rupu u koju mogu uvući ruku. Kada dohvate grumen I stisnu šaku majmuni nemogu izvući niti ruku niti ono što su uzeli, a žele vidjeti o čemu se radi.. E tako se I žene ponašaju. Prate muškarca instinktivno I kada on baci mamac, kakav god mamac bio, dali biser ili grumen soli, one žele da ga prigrabe za sebe. Vrlo često Denis je koristio čitanje horoskopa za upoznavanje. Jedna od njegovih metoda, koja je uvijek I svugdje medju ženama imala prolaz. Malo pročitaš šta je dežurni novinar napisao po rubrikama malo dodaš I eto ti otkrivanja lika koji je ispred tebe. Priča o svojim strahovima, nadama I željama.
-         Danas je izvrstan dan za izlet. Čuvajte se napada divljih životinja Pod zdravlje, kaže moglo bi biti problema sa glavoboljom I stomačnih tegoba zato konzumirajte lakšu hranu. Savjet, sportsku odjeću na sebe I pravac priroda.
-         A šta si ti u horoskopu
-         Ko I u životu, magarac
-         Deeeee
-         Dobro, djevica
-         Šta tebi piše
-         Danas je izvrstan dan da se upoznaš sa jednom škorpijom
-         Provaljuješ. Ne piše to.
Nije provjeravala, ali joj se dopala priča. Konobarica je iza šanka samo posmatrala ovaj mali dijalog.     

utorak, 27. listopada 2015.

fifteenth part

-          Does your coffee. Usually when I do first, coffee is known to rebel. She continued to talk waitress
-          Office is asking why. said Denis.
-          I try to be myself, the waiter, but coffee we recently cleaned of tartar and knows sometimes create a problem. Probably somewhere in a small particle sludge close the nozzle and coffee nebude best. AI we changed the type of coffee, so I'd like this.
She pressed konobaraica to talk.
-          okay I love coffee, women and chatting. He accepted the dialogue.
-          You'd like that over his knee, and did not know how I came to the bar.
-          Oh nooooo, I just figuratively.
Although neither waitress could not help but notice that it is eyeing Denis.
-          But really how this place came to the bar.
-          I entered into marriage .... my father very Screeeew, fuck brain
-          hehehe you for sowing and must baju marriage
-          I was not a virgin
-          and every woman is at the beginning of a virgin
-          to
-          and what is the problem
-          I could no longer put up with
-          it's the story of what you could not father suffer and you found her husband, who, he will understand
-          now we understand each other, me and him
-          when you and dad
As vaguely listened to what he was saying this woman before him. He was thinking that life can be cruel or strange or weird people. Look, she did not like it with my father and got married. Since it this topic I just was not interested but he liked this way wait Kimba continued to talk this could be seen racial woman.
-          to the west I was just a once in a lifetime
-          where
-          Why do you ask
-          I call it the anthill
-          I agree I do more peasant than urban type and do not like large settlements, and it is a lot more abroad than here with us. Much less is there nature, but with us here.
The first round of introductions from both sides has received a passing grade. The waitress I made myself a new cup of coffee.     
-          hehehehe come up with something to do that will come in handy in the dark nights, but we need time. Write adult stories and then I read them on a CD and listen to them. They will have to have a happy ending, give me a theme
-          topic, and it has a happy ending
-          of course, what's the story and that there is no happy ending
-          then it is not a story but a fairy tale. squeezing already an hour and are constantly looking at her bottom
-          I love cold coffee
-          I know it's what I like
-          and what I love, love slowly slowly
-          You are right bosanka, you're hercegovka
-          by which
-          that get comfortable that you do not watch the time is inherent in Bosnia because they say the Tenan. Mesa is in Death and the Dervish described Bosnians and Bosnia.
-          How
Denis tried to play Dervis. He tried because his mind that it speaks to the pub. But that did not fit the environment then just tried to face and hand gestures to show what he says. Poor light on the way the Mesa Selimovic wrote Death and the Dervish. Slowly, yet difficult.
-          "These are smart people told me once, with the strange mixture of sarcasm and seriousness that so often perplexed. Get their idleness from the East, pleasant life of the West, are not rushing anywhere, jar life itself in a hurry, they do not care to see what is behind tomorrow, there will be defined, and few things depend on them together only in times of trouble, because I do not like to be together often, few people believe, and the most difficult to frighten with threats, long disregard of anything, they will not care what is happening around them, and then, suddenly, everything starts to affect them, they mess with everything and turn their heads and they doze off again I do not like to remember anything that happened, afraid of change because it often brings them misfortune, and they easily get annoyed with one man, even if they did I well. A strange world, and gossip, and love you, kiss you on the cheek, and hate and ridicule noble deeds and remember them through many bands, live spite and sevap I do not know which will prevail and when. Bad, good, gentle, cruel, nepokrenti, stormy, open, hidden, are all of them, and everything in between. And above all, my I theirs, like a river and drop, and everything I've said, as if talking about themselves. "     
-          Nice by God. Where are you going.
-          Last year, I found a few dens on Prenj mountain near the lake Boračko of which has been going twice the destination of your future photo safari chose this restaurant around Boračko lake. I want to paint badgers in their natural surroundings. The reason for this is there are a few things one of them is that of the many wild animals from our area, only badger life, scientists have minutely studied and elucidated. For example, the biggest puzzle are mating and pregnancy females of this game. Badgers mate in July and August, and later, with elevations only in March or April. It turns out that pregnancy lasts 225 days. In science this is called emtiotenijom which means the slow development of the embryo. Scientists explain that this nature has gifted female badger to give birth in the best season by calf in the spring. Sir wanted to see and if possible take pictures like this. In the library, where he was found was a number of "inputs" for photo safari. The scientific name of the badger Meles meles. With a year and a half is virile. Females give birth usually 3-4 white cubs, who may see after 30-35 days. The mother is breastfeeding until the age of two months. During the winter, fall into hibernation. which is not very deep, as in real ruminants. His sense of smell is highly developed, very poor eyesight. It feeds on everything, from plants, grains and fruits to the mole, worms, worms, mice and carrion. A nocturnal animal and almost all activities performed at night. From the holes exits and returns always the same path as opposed to foxes.
-          It's just a weird reason for leaving. Could you tell me I'm going to go over. Those who explain what kind of professor. You're just a nice and decent. Do not look like the jerk who drives fića because there is no money.
-          In fact, what it means to be nice and polite
-          So what Sherlock Holmes who all have tight.
-          Be as it were just a bit more relaxed in the bar we and all is ok
The conversation was in a course in which the waitress was losing time to the first quarterback innkeeper. Denis did not see it that way. Accustomed to this situation at any moment and in any place is ready to hunt, Denis could lose safari. Who will be to blame. Kimbo course, why not come on time. His thoughts went through my mind with lightning speed. I found a good excuse for themselves. Why there are other, if you can not rely on them and bring all the blame on them, in their eyes stay clean. 

petnaesti dio

-         Odgovara li vam kafa. Obično kad napravim prvu, aparat se zna pobuniti. Nastavila je razgovor konobarica
-         Uredu je zašto pitate. odgovorio je Denis.
-         Pokušavam biti ono što jesam, konobar, ali aparat smo nedavno čistili od kamenca pa zna nekada praviti problem. Vjerovatno negdje neka sitna čestica taloga zatvori diznu pa kafa nebude najbolja. A I promijenili smo vrstu kafe, pa me interesuje kakva je ova.
Navaljivala je konobaraica da razgovara.
-         Uredu je ja volim kafu, žene I razgovor. Prihvatio je dijalog.
-         Ti bi onako preko koljena, a ne znaš uopšte kako sam došla do šanka.
-         Ma neeee, ja to samo figurativno.
Iako ni konobarica nije mogla ne primjetiti kako ju je mjerkao Denis.
-         Ali stvarno kako se u ovom mjestu stiže do šanka.
-         ja sam u brak ušla .... otac mi je veoma zafrknut, jebač mozga
-         hehehe i ti ufatila baju i mora brak
-         ne bila sam djevica
-         pa svaka žena je na početku bila djevica
-         da
-         i šta je tu problem
-         nisam više mogla trpjeti
-         joj kakva ti je priča nisi mogla oca trpiti pa si našla muža, ko, on će te razumjeti
-         sad se razumijemo, ja i on
-         ko, ti i otac
Onako kao kroz maglu je slušao šta govori ova žena pred njim. Razmišljao je kako život zna biti okrutan ili čudan ili su ljudi čudni. Čuj, nije joj se dopalo sa ocem pa se udala. Pošto ga ova tema baš I nije zanimala ali mu se dopalo na ovaj način sačekati Kimba nastavio je razgovor sa ovom moglo se vidjeti rasnom ženom.
-         na zapadu sam bio samo jednom u životu
-         gdje
-         zašto pitaš
-         ja to zovem mravinjak
-         slažem se ja sam ti više seljak nego urbani tip I nevolim velika naseljena mjesta, a toga je u inostranstvu puno više nego kod nas ovdje. Puno manje je tamo prirode nego kod nas ovdje.
Prva runda upoznavanja sa obje strane je dobila prolaznu ocjenu. Konobarica je I sebi napravila novu kafu.     
-         hehehehe smislio sam nešto da napravim što će ti dobro doći u crnim noćima ali mi treba vremena. Napisaću priče za odrasle i onda ću ih pročitati  na cd pa ih slušaj. Moraće imati sretan kraj, daj mi neku temu
-         temu, a da ima sretan kraj
-         naravno kakva je priča a da nema sretan kraj
-         to nije onda priča nego bajka. cijediš je vec čitav sat i stalno joj gledaš u dno
-         volim hladnu kafu
-         znam isti sam i ja takav
-         i ono što volim, volim polako natenane
-         ti si prava bosanka, nisi ti hercegovka
-         po čemu
-         taj komotitet da se ne pazi na vrijeme je svojstveno u bosni zato što kažeš na tenane. Meša je u Derviš I smrt opisao Bosance I Bosnu.
-         Kako
Denis je pokušao da glumi Derviša. Pokušao jer mu je smetalo da to govori upravo u kafani. Ali, kako mu nije odgovarao ambijent onda je samo licem pokušavao I gestikulacijom ruku prikazati ono što govori. Onako lagano na način na koji je Meša Selimović napisao Derviš I smrt. Lagano, a ipak teško.
-         “Pametni su ovo ljudi rekao mi je jednom, s onom čudnom mješavinom podrugljivosti, I ozbiljnosti, koja me često zbunjivala. Primaju nerad od Istoka, ugodan život od Zapada, nikud ne žure, jar sam život žuri, ne zanima ih da vide šta je iza sutrašnjeg dana, doći će što je odredjeno, a od njih malo šta zavisi, zajedno su samo u nevoljama, zato I nevole da često budu zajedno, malo kome vjeruju, a najteže ih je uplašiti prijetnjom, dugo se ne osvrću ninašto, svejedno im je šta se oko njih dešava, a onda, odjednom, sve počne da ih se tiče, sve isprevrće I okrenu glavu, pa opet postanu spavači I ne vole da se sjećaju ničeg što se desilo, boje se promjena jer su im često donosile zlo, a lako im dosadi jedan čovjek, makar im činio I dobro. Čudan svijet, ogovara te, a voli, ljubi te u obraz, a mrzi te, ismijava plemenita djela, a pamti ih kroz mnoge pasove, živi inatom I sevapom I ne znaš šta nadjača I kada. Zli, dobri, blagi, surovi, nepokrenti, olujni, otvoreni, skriveni, sve su to oni, I sve izmedju toga.  A povrh svega, moji su I ja sam njihov, kao rijeka I kaplja, I sve ovo što govorim, kao da o sebi govorim.”     
-         Lijepo bogami. Kuda si krenuo.
-         Prošle godine sam pronašao nekoliko jazbina na planini Prenj u neposrednoj blizini Boračkog jezera od kojih je odlazeći  još dva puta na destinacije svog budućeg foto safarija odabrao upravo ovo mjesto u okolini Boračkog jezera. Želim slikati jazavce u njegovom prirodnom ambijentu. Razlog za ovo je bilo nekoliko stvari jedna od njih je da od brojnih divljači sa naših prostora, samo život jazavca, naučnici nisu do tančine proučili i rasvijetlili. Tako na primjer najveća zagonetka su parenje i gravidnost ženke ove divljači. Jazavci se pare jula i avgusta, pa i kasnije, a kote tek marta ili aprila. Ispada da gravidnost traje čak 225 dana. U nauci to se zove emtiotenijom što označava usporeni razvoj zametka. Naučnici objašnjavaju, da je to priroda darovala ženku jazavca da se okoti u najpovoljnije godišnje doba po mladunče u proljeće. Sir je želio vidjeti I po mogućnosti fotografisati ovako nešto. U biblioteci gdje je radio našao je nekoliko “ulaznih podataka” za foto safari. Naučno ime jazavca je meles meles. Sa godinu i po je polno sposoban. Ženka radja najčešće 3-4 bijela mladunca, koji progledaju poslije 30 do 35 dana. Majka ih doji do starosti od dva mjeseca. Zimi pada u zimski san. koji nije dubok, kao kod pravih preživara. Njuh mu je veoma razvijen, vid veoma slab. Hrani se svim i svačim, od biljaka, žitarica i voća do krtica, glista, crva, miševa i strvina. Noćna je životinja i skoro svu aktivnost obavlja noću. Iz jazbine izlazi i vraća se uvijek istom stazom za razliku od lisice.
-         To ti je baš čudan razlog za odlazak. Mogao si mi reći idem na izlet I gotovo. Ti objašnjavaš ko kakav profesor. Ti si mi bas neki fin I pristojan. Ne ličiš mi na dripca koji vozi fiću zato što nema para.
-         Ustvari, šta znači biti fin i pristojan
-         Pa ono ko šerlok holms sve nešto utegnuto.
-         Budi onakav kakav si samo malo opušteniji u kafani smo I sve je ok
Razgovor je tekao u jednom toku u kome je konobarica gubila vrijeme do prve navale kafedžija. Denis nije to tako vidio. Naviknut na ovakve situacije da u svakom momentu I na svakom mjestu bude spreman da lovi, Denis je mogao ostati bez safarija. Ko će biti kriv. Kimbo naravno, zašto nije došao na vrijeme. Prolazile su mu misli kroz glavu munjevitom brzinom. Našao je I dobro opravdanje za sebe. Zašto postoje drugovi, ako se na njih nemožeš osloniti I svaliti svu krivicu na njih, u svojim očima ostati čist.